21 Nov Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted at 18:00h
by Whitney Gilliard
Dear Friend,
A special greeting to express sincere gratitude for your confidence, support, and donations for our mission. We are deeply thankful for you!
We know that at this time, holidays are hard for our alumni and youth in care across the nation. Please know that your journey is in our hearts and we are thinking of you this holiday season. For our allies and individuals who have supported our young people facing foster care and adults who have experienced the system, we are deeply grateful for your work.
You are the reason why we do what we do. Without your stories, without your experience, work, and expertise, lives cannot be changed. FCAA is the first ever foster care alumni focused organization, serving people like you across the nation. We are proud to be a collective voice with you.
Wishing you and yours, a happy and healthy. Thanksgiving Day!
Foster Care Alumni of America, National

On November 27th, 2018, your action to donate is more important than ever. Facebook has partnered with PayPal to match every dollar you give to our cause. Please follow #wearefcaa to see how you can make a difference to the foster care system.

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