08 Dec Foster Alumni and the Holidays, an Interview with Carolyn Solomon
Foster Alumni and the Holidays, an Interview with Carolyn Solomon
Here in FCAA, we understand the impact the holidays can have on our friends and family. To honor this time of year for all of our alumni, we’d like to highlight a member who’s found ways to approach the holidays with a new light. please enjoy this brief interview with Carolyn Solomon, Foster Care alumni, from the state of Florida.
- As an alumnus of the foster care system, it can be difficult to approach this time of year. Was there a time in your life when you didn’t look forward to the holidays?
- For many years I didn’t look forward to the holidays. It brought up bad memories because I went into the care right after the holidays and experienced loss around the holidays. The holidays are meant to bring families together, however, I was in care. Although I didn’t look forward to the holidays for many years I was able to overcome my experience and now look forward to them.
- Many families celebrate holiday traditions. Have you found any traditions that work for you and yours?
- My tradition for the holidays is doing a lot of serving and giving back in various different ways. I volunteer for Family Support Services and Heart and Soul ministries. Some of the ways I serve others is by helping feed the homeless and helping wherever there is a need.
- What is the one thing you enjoy most about the holidays now that you are an adult/parent, etc?
- I love to give and spend time with people. Being able to give to others and seeing the smile that’s on their face means the world. I also like to do random acts of kindness to help others and brighten their day.
- What is the one thing you look forward to creating in your family holidays in the future
- I would continue to serve and have parties with my children and husband while also inviting those have been affected by the foster care system and others who don’t have a place to go so they can have someone to celebrate with.
- What would your advice be to young people who are still in foster care during the holidays?
- Think of a way to help another person to take their mind off of the negative part of the holidays.
- Doing the opposite of the what they don’t want to do for example instead of feeling bad do something that they enjoy.
- Surround themselves with people who will bring happiness to them.

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Foster Care Alumni of America’s vision is to ensure a high quality of life for those in and from foster care through the collective voice of alumni. We intend to erase the differences in opportunities and outcomes that exist for people in and from foster care compared to those who have not experienced foster care.
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